Doc Society Cookies Usage

Who we are

If you are resident in the UK, or any other country other than the US or the Netherlands, or if you are applying to the BFI Doc Society Fund, we are Doc Society, a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee and registered in the United Kingdom with company registration number 05278207. Our trading address is 50 Frith Street London W1D 4SQ.

If you are resident in the US, we are Doc Society Inc, a not-for-profit company registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3). Our trading address is 20 Jay Street, Suite 1008, Brooklyn, NY 11201.

If you are resident in the Netherlands, we are Stichting Doc Society, a not-for-profit company registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce with registration number 71039732.

How we collect data and how we use it

When you visit the Doc Society site ( or any related site (,, we collect data that enables us to track your usage of any of our sites by means of cookies. Cookies are small files that are placed on your device when you visit a website. Your browser sends them back to that website site on each subsequent visit, so that it can recognise you and remember things like personalised details or user preferences Cookies enable us to analyse web traffic, make the experience of using our websites smoother, and they may also perform certain essential functions without which it would not be possible to use our website. For example, a cookie may record whether you have logged in with a password, and can therefore access secure parts of our website. Cookies may remain on your computer after you leave our website or after your Internet session finishes. You can block cookies using your browser preferences, and you can delete cookies either via your browser settings or using system utilities. For more information, please visit About Cookies.

What kinds of cookies does Doc Society use and why?

Strictly necessary cookies

These are essential in helping you to move around our websites and using their features, such as accessing secure (password-protected) areas, for example a user account. Without these cookies, certain services you have asked for, such accessing your account, cannot be provided.

Analytics cookies

We use Google Analytics to collect information about how visitors use our website. We use this information to report to our funders and to analyse website usage so that we can improve user experience. Google Analytics collects information such as the number of site visitors, which pages they visited, how they came to the site and their location. This information is anonymous and cannot be used to identify you personally.

Third party cookies

There are links to other sites on our site (for example, among others, to Twitter, Facebook, Vimeo, YouTube), and while you are on our site these third-party sites may also deliver cookies to your device. We have no control over these third-party cookies.

The cookies that Doc Society uses

Cookie name Purpose Duration
csrftoken Used to guard against CSRF attacks when fillin in web forms - see Session
_utm and one of [atbczv] Google Analytics using ga.js - see between session and 2 years
symfony Session tracking - used to maintain a user login session Session
sessionid Session tracking - used to maintain a user login session Session
__cfduid Cloudflare tracking cookie - some sites are fronted by Cloudflare - a platform of web caches, 5 years
_ga and _gid Google Analytics - using analytics.js - see _ga - 2 years

_gid - 24 hours

How to manage cookies

You can block cookies by changing settings in your browser. Bear in mind that if you block cookies then our sites, and other sites you visit, may no longer work for you as intended.

Changes that you make to browser settings will only apply to that browser; if you use multiple browsers (e.g. Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and wish to opt out of cookies then you will need to change settings in each browser that you use. Changes to browser settings will only take effect on the device on which you make those changes, unless your browsers are set up to share your settings across different devices. If your browsers are not set up in this way and you want to opt out of cookies then you will need to change the settings of each browser on each device that you use.

If you delete all cookies, then all site preferences stored on your device will be deleted. This means that if you opt out from cookies for a given site and then delete all cookies, your opt-out will not be saved and you will need to opt out again (which will store a strictly necessary cookie so that your device can remember that you have opted out).

Below are links to instructions for opting out of cookies for some of the most popular browsers:

Google Chrome



Safari iOS


Internet Explorer