With love & rockets: A last letter from Jess

With love & rockets: A last letter from Jess

July 6, 2023

London, England

In the summer of July 2023, Jess Search - co-founder and our beloved comrade at Doc Society was diagnosed with a brain tumor and passed away after a few short weeks. Below is her final letter to the field and an invitation to join in, to triple down on the system-shifting narrative change work that she had dedicated her life to. As she advised, this letter is best read with a strong cup or tea, or perhaps a shot of tequila. Whatever suits.

No Time Like The Present - a letter from Jess Search

July 6th 2023


I have found myself leaning hard into the word Comrade recently.

It slips easily from my lips as I talk with our unshakeable team, unyielding filmmakers and a wider community of stubborn social justice colleagues.

So, with a wide grin, I recently learned that ‘Comrade’ has the same Latin root as the word ‘Camera’. They both derive from ‘in the same room’ — those that are in it together —and indeed, we are all on the same beautiful, fragile planet.

And so let me begin again.

Dearest Comrades,

The community who receives these emails hardly need a heightened sense of urgency. These days we are all circling hard discussions about the collapse of climate systems, the retreat of democracy, and misinformation out of control. But speaking for myself, I have news which has made me more aware than ever that There. Is. No. Time. Like. The. Present.

What follows is both an announcement and an invitation.

The announcement: Today I am sharing that I’m currently under the care of a neurosurgeon because like 300,000 others every year around the world, I’ve been diagnosed with a brain tumour. I’m stepping back from Doc Society — after 18 years of nonstop creative collaboration, dedicated craft, joyous partying and fierce camaraderie. You may know that for years 6 women directors - Beadie, Maxyne, Megha, Sandra, Shanida, and myself - have been leading the organisation in a flat power-sharing model. So I can do this, knowing that someone else will step in to be unfeasibly late for meetings and break the printer constantly.

Whether you know me from a distance or up close and personal, I want to acknowledge that as a newsletter announcement, this is pretty heavy stuff. But know that I am extremely calm and have literally everything I need around me. My poetry and philosophy texts are an important part of that and I’ve found myself returning to Stoic philosopher Marcus Aurelius, who wrote these words almost 2000 years ago:

"In the end, what would you gain from everlasting remembrance? Absolutely nothing. So what is left worth living for? This alone: justice in thought, goodness in action, speech that cannot deceive, and a disposition glad of whatever comes.""

Take a deep sigh if you need one but what I really want you to do is read on…

The invitation: The leadership at Doc Society has never been more certain of the way forward for us as a team: As one committed part of a rising and ever more interconnected global documentary community.

Together we and our international partners are ready to triple down, right now, to deliver vital system-shifting narrative change work.

Doc Society Mission:

We bring people together to unleash the transformational power of documentary film.

We stand in solidarity with filmmakers and work to unite them with new friends and allies, building new models globally.

We aim to innovate, share and innovate again.

A commitment to anti-racism, economic & climate justice is embedded in and informs all we do.

Last week we announced the launch of a global Democracy Story Unit to sit alongside our Climate Story Unit. To deal with the climate crisis and realise a just transition, the world needs more democracy; the negotiation of a new social contract between people and the state. Doc Society is centering all we have learnt in narrative strategy over the past two decades to help address these two critical and intertwined issues.

This year, in collaboration with the incredible D.I.S.C.O network (Decentralised Independent Story + Culture Organisers) we are also deep into the Independence Project – a co-created global research project that will, for the first time, fully articulate the unique and vital contribution to society, culture and democracy of independent film. To create a manifesto and directly demand the support we need from distributors, funders and commissioners to help us build a new, equitable, and politically protected indie media distribution system.

Comrades, we know that your work is as vital and urgent as our own. How about we triple down and build rocket boosters for our shared work together right now?

We — the team, our boards and our partners — are ready to hear from you and have our emails below ready and waiting.

I’m signing off with music and poetry. This playlist is a slice of the crazy good tracks that Doc Society has spun at our events, labs and parties over our first 18 years starting with “Work” by Honey Dijon. And anyone who has ever been to a Good Pitch or any of our other convenings knows that poetry runs through our work like spring water. This is from “For the Children” by the Beat poet and ecologist Gary Snyder:

To climb these coming crests
one word to you, to
you and your children:

stay together
learn the flowers
go light

With Love & Rockets

Jess Search
Co-founder Doc Society




A Letter from Doc Society

August 1, 2023

Yesterday morning, our dear Jess Search died peacefully in London, England, from brain cancer. She was surrounded by the love of her life Beadie Finzi, their children Ella and Ben, and friends. As a fierce supporter of independent artists and co-founder of Doc Society, Jess spent the weeks following her diagnosis focused on her passions laid out in her recent announcement, No Time Like the Present. Her greatest wish was to continue to secure the Doc Society mission of unleashing the transformational power of documentary film to address the two critical and intertwined issues of climate change and democracies in crisis.

Jess lived fully these last few weeks. In characteristic humour, she responded to her diagnosis by considering herself a “Lucky Fucker,” having lived a life of purpose on her own terms. She continued to send late-night voice memos, order rounds of margaritas, and bring together an amalgam of global comrades around the shared mission of vital system-shifting narrative work to change the world for the better. To the horror of some, she did all this while sporting a pair of hot pink Crocs, with socks and jibbitz, in glorious contrast to her trademark white suit she rocked at Good Pitches all over the world.

Jess and her loved ones have been immersed in all the shared memories and love from friends, family and the community since the news of her diagnosis. We have been exchanging poetry and share with you one on the top of her rotation, David Whyte reading his poem Santiago.

A beloved partner and parent, a brilliant friend, an industry catalyst, master campaigner, consummate producer, preternatural public convener, and mentor to many - Jess leaves a global family who we know will continue to speak out on injustice, challenge the status quo and live lives of purpose with love in their hearts. We consider ourselves to be Lucky Fuckers to stand beside all of you.

Thank you Jess, we love you. Always.

P.S. A celebration of all things Jess loves will be planned in the coming months. Memories and messages to her loved ones can be shared at love@docsociety.org.

